A little about me…

I am a wife, mother, daughter, sister and friend.  I married my Junior High sweet heart, best friend and partner in crime 11 years ago.  We have three children.  We have two daughters and one son. In my spare time… ( haha )  I am a graphic designer and a natural light photographer. For as long as I can remember, I have always had a passion for art and photography.  As a kid, I was always doodling and drawing.  I followed my heart and went on to earn a degree in Graphic Design.  After college, I began to work in the creative field as a Graphic Designer specializing in print design.  While continuing to do what I loved, I developed a fun little hobby on the side.  I discovered a love for photography.  After my oldest daughter was born, I got my first “big girl camera”.  I had no idea how in the world to even turn it on at first but I quickly learned.  I began photographing my daughter. Every. Single. Day.  I loved the idea of capturing moments and milestones.  My favorite images of my children are the ones when they are not even looking at the camera. Lost in their own little world of them just simply being …them! After encouraging my own children to follow their dreams, I decided that perhaps I should follow my own advice and chase my dreams.  Three children later and a million practice photographs… here I am today!  Introducing…. Kelley Earhart Design & Photography!

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